Many go through our day to day lives completely unaware of our impacts towards the world that we live in. Through what we choose to buy and do we may contribute towards global problems such as climate change and landfill.

Many of us are already doing what we can to cut back on things such as meat, energy, and fossil fuels in order to save our planet from the predicted impacts that will happen if we do not reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Whilst measures have began to take place in the past years, the question still remains as to whether it will be enough to save our world. 

The Natural History Museum in London contains captivating facts on fast fashion and reaching Net Zero by 2050.

It turns out that our fast fashion industry produces ‘an estimated 8 to 10% of global CO2 emissions.’ While it may be hard to cut down on mass production of items due to the demand for our population, this amount of CO2 released into our atmosphere will be undoubtably be contributing towards the enhanced greenhouse effect, in turn this will lead to increased global warming, as well as problems such as glaciers melting and flooding as a result from the rising sea levels in low lying countries.

Another concern related to fast fashion other than the carbon dioxide emissions involves the fact that ‘35% of all microplastics entering our oceans comes from synthetic clothing and textile waste’.  Other than polluting the oceans, marine life is affected by leading to toxic chemicals inside the animal that consumes it.

In order to each Zero Net by 2050, we need to switch to green energy by using more renewable energy sources like solar, tidal and wind power. Also, we should increase our woodland areas, eat less meat, decrease our landfill and waste per person, increase lifespan of electronics, widen usage of electric cars, and install heat pumps to replace our reliance on gas, and other fossil fuels.