During his 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump promised to construct a wall between Mexico and the United States, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific.  

Now, despite setbacks, major progress has been made towards achieving that goal. And that goal has had major impacts on the environment. 

These consequences will continue to ravage the natural world, until a more sustainable approach can be followed. 

Here are just a few of the impacts that Trump’s wall has had on the environment: 

Heightened risks of flash floods: After seven-hundred miles of the border fence had been constructed during the Bush Administration, the State of Arizona suffered severe flooding that clogged border barriers with debris. The effects of flooding worsen during the rainy season, potentially meaning that even more lives will be at stake. 

Endangering wildlife: By cutting off over three-hundred and fifty species from their range that lies across the border, chances of survival are greatly diminished; animals’ ability to roam and access food sources, water and mates shrink. In addition to this, the presence of the border prevents wildlife from escaping predators, fires and heat waves.  

Harming seasonal migration: The fencing prevents various species, such as the Peninsular Bighorn Sheep, from crossing between birthing and water sites. This has also prevented creatures like jaguars from being able to repopulate where they once would have. Furthermore, these limits on wildlife migration end up affecting plants, too. Many plant species rely on animals to excrete their seeds in order for them to disperse and germinate best, according to a Defenders of Wildlife report. Without these animals to do so, plants suffer too.  


Ultimately, it is clear to see that the border is taking its toll on nature. Unless a more feasible solution is found, this may be realised all too late.