The 20th century has seen a surge in young adult books with LGBTQ representation, with many YA novels like the Song of Achilles and the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.  

The rise of YA books featuring LGBTQ+ characters have been growing immensely in recent years as the demand among readers for broader diversity grows. However, throughout history LGBTQ literature has faced challenges and objections, legal restrictions, book bans and persecution. Despite these restrictions, LGBTQ themes in literature can be traced back all the way to ancient Greece and Rome times.  

Many stories in Greek and Roman mythology also reveal relationships and liaisons between same-sex and intersex figures. Contemporary scholars interpret these as ancient world’s understanding and expression of same sex romance as well as their tolerance of it. A famous example of this is the relationship of Patroclus and Achilles. In Homers Iliad Achilles describes Patroclus as ‘the man I loved beyond all other comrades, loved as my own life.’ Their love and passion are explored in Madeline Millers adaptation of the Iliad, the Song of Achilles, told from Patroclus’ perspective. Miller stays true to the events portrayed in The Iliad while contributing her own insights.  

LGBTQ+ interpretations Shakespeare have also been found by Scholars and Students. These texts give insights into gender and sexuality across renascence Europe.  For example, Antonio in The Merchant of Venice can be interpreted as being in love with Bassanio although this is often overlooked even today. Additionally, Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet shows his true self through his phallic imagery and every sexual pun can be interpreted as a cry for Romeo to notice and acknowledge, the affection and tension.  

The 19th century introduced the next great period for LGBTQ literature, although it was less direct and more subtle. Writers like Walt Whitman, Oscar Wilde, Emily Dickinson and Virginia Woolf wove sly references to LGBTQ identity and relationships into many works. For example, Oscar Wilde a gay writer included allusions to homosexuality in works such as Dorian Gray. Additionally, Virginia Woolf despite being married had multiple affairs with women throughout her life. It is rumoured that her lover, Vita Sackville-West was her inspiration for the protagonist of Orlando, which is considered a masterpieces of modernist queer fiction. These authors began paving the way for more LGBTQ awareness among readers.  

In the 20th century many authors like James Baldwin, Truman Capote, E.M Forster and Adrienne Rich pushed the social boundaries bringing LGBTQ plots to prominence. These authors often achieved critical and commercial success, marking the twentieth century as a new dawn for LGBTQ literature. 

 In the early 21st century a lot of LGBTQ literature has reached a high level of sophistication and many works have earned mainstream acclaim. Not only can these stories educate and inform readers, spreading awareness but they can also give LGBTQ people understanding, representation and comfort.