With exam season fast approaching, tests seem to feel like the only things that matter. Yet, it is important to look after your mental health too. 

Revising feels like the only thing on the average student’s brain at the moment. With GCSE exams starting on the 16th of May, the pile of content that needs to be reviewed seems to loom larger. However, while exams are important, it is not wise to spend all your time revising. In fact, taking breaks and having free time has been shown to improve productivity and memory. So, here are some ways to relax. 

Exercising is a fantastic way to relax. It not only gets you out of doors to enjoy the wonderful weather (which will hopefully be happening soon) but is also a brilliant method for cheering yourself up. It could be as simple as taking the dog for a walk or some light yoga. Any kind of exercise is refreshing when revising, especially if it allows you to get into nature and breathe in some fresh air away from the stuffy air of work. 

Having a day off or two is also better for you in the long term. Watching a film, practising mindfulness and cooking are activities that break the monotony of a daily routine and allow you to put your exams into perspective. Sometimes, exams can feel like they are the only thing that matters but spending your time doing other things helps you to get away from it all can help you see them a little more clearly. 

Lastly, but most importantly: make sure to get some sleep. Several studies laud the connection between sleep and brain recall. While it can often feel like sleep is unnecessary and skippable, getting a good night’s rest can do more for your mental health and your revision than otherwise. So, make sure you get a good 7-9 hours in the days before your exams. 

While revising for exams can often feel stressful and daunting, it is nice to remember that there are a lot of people who feel the same way. So, share your problems and remember that you are not alone.