Exam season is fast approaching, with this year’s exams having the increased pressure of being the first to be sat in two years. As the time left before exams ticks down, the stress of these young people only increases. So how should they manage it?


Preparing for exam season goes far beyond simply studying for exams. Students are not only stressed by the actual exam and revising the content, but for the daunting experience of being in an exam itself. There are many rules and regulations that students have to follow to keep the exams fair but reasonably add more stress. And of course, in a country that is not quite past Covid-19, there will always be concerns about sitting surrounded by people for such lengthy periods of time. This all could add to the stress felt by students, especially those younger taking GCSEs.     


Some students could feel stress from other aspects of the exam experience. Alisha Hussain, a Year 11 student agreed with this sentiment, commenting that a stressful aspect of exams is “the guilt that you are not doing enough and that you could always be doing more than you are”. This is not an isolated view - many students feel this academic guilt, especially in schools that are naturally competitive such as grammar schools. However, it is a fact of life that we all do exams at some point, and finding ways to manage stress is most important. 


There are various ways to handle stress that exams bring. Setting reminders to put phones and watches away before exams or a buddy system to help you and your friends remember, is one way of alleviating stress so you can concentrate on revising for exams. In terms of studying, every day, new techniques arise to help students. The most important advice given to students is to determine which ones are actually helpful to them. There are always good blanket tips like taking regular breaks and having a regular routine so you don’t get overwhelmed. 


Exam stress is nearly unavoidable - you can always try to alleviate it but if you care about an exam it is natural to be anxious about its outcome. The good thing about exam season is that you are never alone in this stress and worry. There is always someone else to help you, to talk to you or revise with you. And that in itself is comforting.