By Shannon Barkley-Nakajima (Surbiton High School)

On the 27th March, Mother’s Day at Nairn House Bupa Care home was an extra magical day...

With special thanks to Marianna Kirk, a flower therapist and Activities Coordinator whom has been working there and supporting residents since 2019, spoilt her mum Giuseppina Cicero, a resident at Nairn’s since 2014, with warm hugs from her extended family of 2 sons, 8 grandchildren and great grand child, handmade cards, gifts and fittingly- flowers! After having the opportunity to interview her regarding the undeniably strong and loving bond between the mother and daughter duo, it is evident that her work at the care home has made more than an impact on her mum, but a positive one on all the residents staying there. She expressed how, ‘my role as an Activities Coordinator at Nairn House Bupa Care Home has definitely complemented my work as a flower therapist. I consider it to be an honour and pleasure to work within the care sector.’

Marianna Kirk’s lasting ambition and passion for floristry ever since childhood inspired her to change career path; she chose to change route and dedicate several years to studying to qualify as a florist. It was after her mother Pina, whom Marianna comments to have, ‘always been close to,’ suffered from a stroke in 2014, that she chose to redirect her training and become a flower therapist. Working at the care home has allowed her to form a closer bond with her father as well as she shares how, ‘my dad was utterly devoted to my mum, and he continued to visit her daily even when his own health was deteriorating- their love has always been a huge inspiration to me.’

From a young age Marianna and Pina have always had a special relationship, growing up in a Sicilian family they learnt to cook Sicilan food together and had always been there for each other through the ups and downs of life. Marianna expresses her gratitude towards her parents and how, ‘as I’ve got older, I have developed a genuine understanding and appreciation for how hard my parents worked all their lives to provide for our family and now I consider it my time to give back.’ She conveys how much she enjoys her work due to the rewarding feeling of seeing the residents so happy and being happy to have the feeling that she is, ‘really making a difference through my work at Nairn house, where I feel so blessed that I can make many people smile. It’s a place where my creativity, energy and empathy can flourish.’ She adores her mother and giving back to her by showing her love through the artistry of flowers in which she shares how her mother is always appreciative and has ‘never been one to crave grand gestures and no matter what mum receives, she thanks me every time with a smile and kiss.’ Marianna expresses her genuine love for her job due to how close she can be to her mother, as well as support the sweet residents and celebrates mothers who live there in which she can engage with on a daily basis!

Marianna loves to organise events and  get to personally know each resident in and out to provide comfort and engage with them via her flower therapy sessions and their healing capabilities in which she is extremely proud of, alongside her pride in how her profession allows her to share kindness and support to the lovely residents on a daily basis. She sets up a series of weekly FlowerPower floristry sessions at Nairn Bupa House Care Home, 1 of over 120 across the country, connecting and offering the residents emotional, physical and physiological support. The care home situated in Enfield welcomes residents in need of nursing and residential care, including those living with Parkinsons and caters for everyone’s needs in a supportive manner and by bringing some joy and sunshine to the home with an array of flowers of all types with Marianna herself. When I asked her how floristry has given such a sense of joy and brought such happiness to not only her mother but other residents, especially on Mother’s Day, she responded with, ‘I feel the flowers bring such joy to everyone, releasing so many memories, and positive thoughts that in turn make it so rewarding. Flowers are a brilliant way to encourage sensory simulation and restore wellbeing so of course, bouquets of flowers, including her favourite carnations, will play a big part of celebrations on Mother’s Day!’ Impressively, alongside the sessions she hosts, she also facilitates meditation and mindfulness sessions and charity outreach whereby local charity, 3Food4U provides soft toys to the home, so that residents can enjoy them as comforters. 

Through her work and passion, Marianna has not only got to celebrate her mother on Mother’s Day 2022 with flowers, cards, presents such as bracelets but with the best gift of all- the gift of  kisses, warmth and love. She continues to strengthen her bond with her mother and also light up other mothers’ lives at Nairn care home and ensure that they have the best stay there as possible! She comments how her job has not only changed her into a more positive and nurturing human but also changed the mother daughter duo as, ‘when [her] mum looks at [her] now [she]can see pure trust in her eyes. She knows [she] is there to support her without questions, and couldn’t wait to surprise her with a bouquet come Mother’s Day.’ Nairn’s House’s Home Manager, Rosalind Maxwell, also contributed to the fabulous Mother’s Day there sharing that, ‘Marianna and Pina are both wonderful members of our Nairn House community. Marianna’s fantastic ideas have made a huge difference to the well-being of residents and Pina is well-loved by all the team.’ The mother daughter duo will continue cherishing each other’s company and Marianna hopes to continue celebrating the wonderful relationship between mother and daughter with all mothers at Nairn House Bupa Care Home. After making so many people smile and having  found a place where she truly feels she is giving back to the community and offering residents the support and love they deserve, Marianna shares how she receives such an incredible and rewarding feeling and how her job truly makes her happy- an environment where she can thrive like her own flowers, from helping and seeing others happy in which in turn makes her happy and motivates her to continue doing what she loves doing. 

Lastly, she shared what Mother’s Day truly meant to her with a perspective we can all take on with us:  ‘Mother’s Day is a gentle reminder about the strength of new beginnings.’ After the tough hurdles Pina and Marianna went through together, they supported one another and the beautiful formation of an incredible, powerful and everlasting bond was born.

I hope you had an unforgettably wonderful Mother’s Day as this mother daughter duo did and celebrate mothers in the world every day of the year alongside Marianna, and spoil them that little bit extra on Mother’s Day!