We all know the benefits of reading. From a young age we have been told that reading can expand our range of vocabulary; it helps us develop our critical thinking skills; it improves our concentration and countless other things. However, how many of us are actually active readers? According to the ninth Annual Literacy Survey conducted by the National Literacy Trust in 2019, only 25.8% of children between the ages of 9 and 18 read daily in their free time. This indicates that the children and young people who read are in the minority of the population, which is a great disappointment due to the vast benefits that can be gained from reading. However, there is an easy solution to this issue: book clubs. 

One excuse for not reading may be that you are so busy that you simply have no time for books. In primary school, you might have consumed numerous books a week but now you are so busy with school and homework that there is no chance of you reading daily. However, being in a book club pushes you to read the chosen book before the next meeting. Having a deadline each month encourages you to prioritize reading over other activities as you want to be able to join in with the discussions. 

Do you feel like you are continuously reading the same genre of books? Typically in book clubs, each member will have a chance to choose the book for a certain month. This means that you will be exposed to genres outside of your comfort zone and different authors, of whose books you would never pick out for yourself. Not only does this broaden your perspectives on the world, but you may also find your new favourite book.  

Book clubs are not only a great way to get back into reading consistently, but they are also a great way to make new friends as you meet people who share the same interests as you. A sense of community is created as you debate about your opinions of characters and as you dissect themes and plots within the story. 

In a world where we are reading books less and less often, book clubs are a great way to encourage yourself to read consistently. Due to the book choices of other members, you are encouraged to explore a multitude of new genres and authors, which widens your perspectives on life. You meet and connect with new people and can bond over shared interests as you freely express your opinions and thoughts. So, why don’t you join a book club today or even start your own?