It is not alien to us that celebrities get a lot of hate, sometimes they have done something wrong and are simply facing the repercussions of their actions.  However, a lot of the time they simply get hate for being themselves.

It is important to mention that they are in the public eye and for the most part they have chosen to be in it. I think it is a different issue altogether when we talk about people who got their fame through family or relative but that is a different conversation. When you have put yourself out into the public eye it implicit that you have also put yourself out to other people’s judgements and opinions, now whether there is a line the public should be mindful of is a debatable topic. Some influencers make mistakes and say things they shouldn’t or do things they shouldn’t, however at the end of the day we all make mistakes, the difference just is that we don’t get hate from thousands of people for it. In my opinion, if you are a celebrity and you have a platform you should be mindful of what you put out there, as you essentially become role models for people and you want to be spreading the right message.


To give some examples, very recently the premiere of the Kardashian’s new show was held and Khloe Kardashian began to get hate for holding her 4-year-old daughter True. This is an example of when a celebrity gets hate for simply just doing a harmless thing and being themselves. A lot of the public considers themselves entitled to give opinions about other people’s life decisions and it is things like these I personally think a celebrity should not have to go through. This is not always the case though, sometimes the celebrity does things that is inappropriate or disrespectful and for these reasons they get hate. For example, Chrissy Teigen was cancelled because of some tweets that resurfaced of her cyberbullying someone.


Whereas I do think celebrities hold a role in a lot of people's lives and therefore they should be careful about what they do, it is also very true that you cannot always please everyone and it is very likely that someone will always find something wrong with you. Sometimes we need to understand that our opinion does not dictate someone else's life. 


In conclusion, I think putting yourself in the public eye does make you vulnerable to other people's opinions but we as the 'public' should be mindful of the fact that the words we type aren't just letters on a screen and can actually affect someone.