We live in an age of relatable posts on social media, everyone wants to be put in a category to relate to one another. Something that has become popular to aid this categorical lifestyle are quizzes that give you an assigned personality; star signs, ‘what is your toxic trait?’ on BuzzFeed and most famously MBTI tests. 

If you are unaware of the ever-popular MBTI test, MBTI stands for Myers- Briggs Type Indicator. The MBTI test is a personality indicator that assigns you into one of 16 categories that reflects your views on life, people, and social interactions. A perfect example of the misconceptions of this way of sorting people out is the introvert/ extrovert ideals. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an introvert “is a person whose personality is characterized by introversion: a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone” and an extrovert “is a person whose personality is characterized by extroversion: a typically gregarious and unreserved person who enjoys and seeks out social interaction.” The first and most simple stage of MBTI categorisation is E(extrovert) and I (Introvert) types. Introverts are usually assumed to be quiet and reserved people whilst extroverts are assumed to be outgoing and loud; for a certain percentage of people, this is true, they fall right into this category but there are some who cannot seem to agree with these conceptions of an introvert/extrovert but rather the dictionary definition and be stuck between the two. 

You could have someone who is shy around people they do not know but always be ready to try and make new friends and once they make new friends, they are outgoing so...is this an introvert or an extrovert? Or you could have someone who is fun and loud around others but prefer their own company, introvert, or extrovert? At the end of the day, the dictionary definition is what should be correct but, in this day, and age, not many people follow this but create an easier and more popular definition which is what is expected to show in a person. In an MBTI Korean documentary, an extroverted MBTI type was talking about her thoughts on her MBTI and felt that sometimes, people would say she is not going according to her true assigned personality or that she is a fake.  

It is so easy to fall into the trap of making yourself exactly like the role you are “meant to be like” but there are almost 8 billion people in the world, how is it that we all fit exactly into one of sixteen categories or for star signs one of twelve/ thirteen categories? A simple answer is that we do not. It is fun seeing who you relate to on Instagram or your predicted traits, but it is not always right. Do not let your assigned personality define you; everyone is unique and different.