Are you bored? Tired of being bored? Have nothing to do? Well, don’t worry I have the perfect solution! Here is a list of five simple things to do to cure your serious case of boredom:


1. Read a book. I bet you hear this a lot from your parents saying “Kids these days, always on their phones.” Well, perhaps they are right. The worst thing you can do is scroll, so get off social media and read something. It can be anything. Once you find something you enjoy, you won’t be able to put it down.

2. Go outside. You can go anywhere you please. Physical exercise will make you feel better. You can go somewhere new or go shopping or on a run. It will give you a change of scenery.

3. Make something. You can make so many things out of what you already have. You could use recycled materials to create something. There are plenty of tutorials online for things such as origami, drawing, painting etc.

4. Do something you’ve never done before. Is there something that you’ve been wanting to do for a while? Or something new that you want to try? Well, now is the perfect opportunity to do so. Stepping out of your comfort zone and achieving something will make you feel ecstatic. 

5. Spend time with people. You can go outside and meet up with friends or family. Or perhaps you can play a board game together. You can always play games online too if they are far away. You could also facetime them and catch up if you haven’t in a while. Spending time with people you love will make you feel better. 


These are all great ways to help you out and make you feel better. They have all been tested out by myself and trust me, they work!