'Will the world survive me first?' 'Do we need to look at our past to see our future?' 'A.I: Salvation or condemnation for the human race?' If these titles intrigue you, I suggest you read on.

First - what is TEDx? A TEDx event is a local gathering where live talks are performed by speakers and shared with the community. They are planned and coordinated independently and whilst each event is unique, they all have features in common.

On Wednesday 9th March, Wimbledon High School hosted its very own TEDx event with speakers ranging from just Year 6 all the way to Year 13. Each student delivered a carefully constructed, proudly persuasive and simply stimulating talk around the theme of 'Future'. There was an extreme range of topics with titles of 'Our computers of the future', 'Happily ever after' and more.

'Our future is underwater' - that was the title of my talk. I wanted to explore a different aspect of climate change, focusing on how global warming will effect where we live. I explored the history of underwater living as well as the future (yes, some whole underwater cities are in development as we speak) whilst including both facts and figures and personal accounts.

Lauren Huggett, who's talk was titled 'Digital Twins: The Smart Future of Buildings' comments on her experience: 'Having been granted this incredible experience of being able to share your thoughts and passions through a TEDx talk was not something that any of the speakers took for granted. After working tirelessly on our speeches for 7 months, there was an overwhelming sense of sadness and shock when it was over. The overload of emotions after walking on the red spot for the last time caught up with me, especially resulting in tears. Not that they were due to sadness or in fact joy, but just the realisation that it was over. It was truly only at this point I feel I truly understood how much I cared about being part of the TEDx team'.