On 9th and 10th March pupils of St Catherine’s took part in the annual school production, this time performing Peter Pan. The evening encompassed acting, dancing, and singing; enabling those with a passion for the performing arts to showcase their abilities. The show included pupils from a range of ages aspiring to pursue a career in the performing arts.18 year old Millicent Foster is just one of the many young aspiring performers among the St Catherine’s community. In an interview with her, we can see that, for her, acting is both challenging and greatly rewarding. 

                Acting has always been a big part of Millie’s life. She started this journey at the age of 10, participating in drama groups outside of school, and continued to show her progression through productions both inside and outside of the academic environment. At age 13 she appeared at the Rose Theatre in Kingston and, during Year 11, performed at the Exchange, located in Twickenham. 

              However, her most recent role was the storyteller in Peter Pan. When asked how she navigated playing the character, she explained: “I tried to have a tone that was quite mysterious and fairytale-like, making sure the audience were wondering what was going to happen next”. Her character concluded the show by giving the important message that we are all growing up and we should embrace it in an enjoyable way. Millie enjoyed her experience of working with the younger pupils: “Some of the elements that the young people brought to the table were inspiring. They had good ideas and encouraged others to use good characterisation, demonstrating the vast amount of talent within the school.”

          The challenges of putting on a school play mean that a great deal of work went into the production. Many rehearsals took place over several months. In the final week, run-throughs were held in the music room, along with dance rehearsals, with girls anxiously checking the notice board to see when they were next needed. Despite the inevitable last-minute stresses, Millie has always taken part in the school shows, remaining dedicated throughout the years: “I’ve done all the school productions and so taking part in Peter Pan during my final year as a sixth former is like the final, special goodbye”. Millie reminisces about some of the memorable moments, as she says: “One time Miss Collett came in to give her final words of encouragement, just as Emma Jane was belting out her big note, so that was funny!”

          Millie expresses her passion for the performing arts industry, explaining that it is something she would want to pursue as a career: “I would definitely like to go into musical theatre and take it up at university, as it's something I'm quite good at and enjoy a lot”. I personally found Millie’s aspirations and commitment very impressive, as her journey in the performing arts industry continues to flourish.