4 more weeks year 11s! Then it's heads down at the cramped exam tables, persevering through multiple exams.

We are reminded in the morning, afternoon, during assemblies, in fact, every hour of our remaining school days that there are 4 more weeks! As if we are being challenged. This constantly plays in our heads like an alarm. Do the teachers not know that they are possibly making it worse or are they doing this on purpose? The endless stress put on us because we are the last year group is absolutely unbearable.

As class 2022, they've given us the upper hand and have allowed us to view the topics for our upcoming exams but all the lessons we've missed over the pandemic are now being crammed in our heads in a short space of time. Online lessons were a struggle for most of us and now when we don't understand something, we are told 'you should know this,' but none of them try to sympathise with us.

The teachers are giving us what they think is a helpful reality check but these are doing more damage than assisting us.