Mamma Mia has recently returned to the west end in London. It is full of drama, action as well as the traditional much loved ABBA classics and traditional storyline from the original 2008 Mamma Mia film. It was full of joy, humour and was overall a very entertaining watch.

The original classical ABBA songs with the addition of some extra new songs, made the performance upbeat and full of energy and joy, creating an overall extremely joyful performance perfect for a family day out. The performance was extraordinary from the acting to the set to the overall creation of the narrative and storyline, which combined the traditional storyline perfectly with modern twists to suit a stage performance perfectly. It maintained the original much-loved storyline and classic songs with modern twists, new scenes and new songs which enhanced the amazing storyline further, picturing the classic narrative in a way which kept the audience constantly engaged, entertained, singing and laughing. Overall, it was a wonderful day out, full of joy and humour, which kept everyone engaged and entertained for the entire time.

In addition, the uplifting sing along at the end got the audience up on their feet singing and dancing, enhancing the upbeat and joyful atmosphere further, perfect for all the family to get involved with. It was a perfect performance and day out for the whole family, keeping everyone engaged and entertained, enhancing the original storyline perfectly while still maintaining the original storyline and narrative amazingly in a way which worked wonderfully for a stage performance. I would recommend any Mamma Mia lovers to watch it, as is full of joy, humour and classic ABBA songs which will be assured to lighten peoples mood and bring a smile to peoples faces especially after such a long period of time where this sort of entertainment was unavailable to all. Consequently, it is wonderful to be able to experience live west end performances again which will defiantly bring a smile to everyone’s faces and fill the room with joy and happiness.