There are countless ways in which the advancement of technology vastly impacts our everyday lives. The pros and cons of the development of social media especially have proved prevalent in today's society. 

Some of the benefits include:

  1. We are able to keep in touch with people. The efficiency and ease of contact through social media has ensured we are closer than ever regardless of physical distance. Hannah Briant says that ‘as a person who has a lot of friends and family abroad, and especially over the pandemic, social media has really helped me keep in touch with them and has proved as a highly convenient platform to stay up to date with each other’s lives as it would be have been substantially more difficult to keep in contact alternatively. I am so grateful for it’
  2. Educational. Resources are more accessible than ever making studying and learning more effective and efficient for the general public.
  3. A platform for passion. Social media is an enthralling venue to channel one’s interests and connect with those who share similar ideas and hobbies as you. It is a forum to make friends, get advice and showcase one’s skill leading to a more enriched society.


However, unfortunately, there are many detriments that come with the amazing world of the internet. Such as:

  1. Insecurities and self-image issues. Many people’s, especially the youth’s, standards are influenced by the content they are receiving hugely impacting our self-esteem which leads to unrealistic expectations of themselves and others. This in turn can cause many mental and physical health issues.
  2. Procrastination. Platforms such as Instagram, YouTube and Tiktok are effortless sources of entertainment and it is just too easy to keep scrolling for hours on end. This can negatively affect academic performance, social development and physical health of young people and
  3. Cyberbullying. Online bullying is a very prominent problem in our society today,  Due to anonymity many people use this to hide behind a screen to bully others, the façade of the screen acts as a shield and veil for the offender to avoid accountability. Cyberbullying can be extremely harmful to whoever is receiving it.


Personal opinion, fundamentally the internet is a wonderful place with many opportunities to learn, entertain and make new friends. If one uses social media responsibly and in moderation, with an objective lens it will enrich their life.