An author from Wimbledon says “reading is magical” as her new children’s book about overcoming anxiety is set to be published this World Book Day.

Kim Hillyard is an author-illustrator who previously worked as a music journalist for ten years.

Towards the end of her journalism career, Kim began to work more seriously on her stories, as she claims it took two years of writing and sending off work before signing with Ladybird Books in 2018.

Kim, 35, has always had a love for storytelling, as she says she has been writing stories and poems since she was small.

Kim’s third picture book, Gretel the Wonder Mammoth, will be published this World Book Day.

The mum-of-two says the book is about “overcoming anxiety” and gives children the opportunity to understand how anxiety may feel - through the storytelling of the last woolly mammoth on earth.

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Kim said: “I knew I wanted to write a story about anxiety.

“The conversation around mental health has moved forward so much.

“There's a lot more openness but I wonder how many children (or adults) really understand what anxiety is and what someone means when they say they experience it.

“Anxiety is a lot more than just feeling sad and worried.

“It changes how you see the world around you and how you see yourself.

“I wanted to convey the idea of feeling trapped which is what led me to a woolly mammoth trapped in ice.

“Once I had the concept, the story writing unfolded quickly.

“I try and find a balance between lots of fun and silliness and an important message, like talking to someone if you feel upset or anxious.”

Kim told the Wimbledon Times that reading is important because it can be “magical”.

She added: “When we read, we can fly.

“We can travel through time and space or become someone or something else entirely.

“Reading helps us understand ourselves and the world around us.”

Kim says writing a children's picture book is like “solving a puzzle” as each book has its own “rhythm”, with not many words, but so much to be said.

After reading with her three-year-old daughter every day, she says her toddler has a current “fondness” for stories featuring witches.

The creativity behind Kim’s stories is inspired by the “wonderful, open and creative” minds of children.

She said: “If only more of us could remember what it's like to see everything through such fascinated, non-judgemental eyes – the world would be a better place.”

Kim says World Book Day is a “brilliant” reminder of the “universal power of stories”, and her new book, Gretel the Wonder Mammoth, is set to be published on this enlightening day.

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She added: “Over 100 countries around the globe celebrate world book day.

“As adults, we should do everything we can to make sure children everywhere have access to books.

“My third picture book publishes on World Book Day this year and I may have to dress up as a woolly mammoth to celebrate.

“My daughters are not yet in school, so there will be no last minute costume rush for us.

“Although right now, my new born could easily be mistaken for The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

Gretel the Wonder Mammoth talks about what anxiety means, what it can feel like and what you can do if you or someone you love feels anxious.