In a daylong free-for-all, Cineworld is offering tickets for just £3 on Saturday 26th to inaugurate the first ever ‘Cineworld Day’ - celebrating “more than 100 years of films in colour”!


Cineworld is one of the top cinema chains in the U.K, with 101 locations and various options for their viewer’s enjoyment - including their ‘ScreenX’ option which offers a 270 degree viewing experience. Cineworld has just introduced the ‘Cineworld Day’ initiative, sponsored by Pepsi Max, where tickets are just £3 - with a 30p deduction for those who have a membership. This has been in response to the negative effect the pandemic has had on the cinema industry and has successfully surged the interest in cinema-going among the public.


The event was announced a mere 6 days before it was to be held, leaving many scrambling for tickets as news spread over various sites. Many of those who have been lucky to secure a ticket have opted for a day of cinema-hopping to make the most of the major deduction from the usual price of £10.20 (for a standard adult ticket). One cinema-goer, Evie Pearson, expressed frustration that the only seats she managed to get were “right at the front” because of how many people had purchased tickets. 


There is still time to book your tickets and see some recent releases like Uncharted and Spiderman: No Way Home. Other cinemas may follow suit, making up for the losses the industry faced during the pandemic and giving all of us a considerably cheaper cinematic experience!