Global Warming has been a great concern for many citizens currently in the world; warmer temperatures overtime are changing weather patterns, posing a risk to human beings and any other form of life on earth.

We should act upon this problem as the earth is getting worse and worse and it has severely caused many droughts through parts of Asia and Africa. With peculiar temperature changes varying in different seasons, such as in winter etc. Furthermore, as a UK citizen I have seen the sea levels drastically rise by an interesting amount of 16cm meaning episodes of extreme heat are becoming more frequent. We must reduce the impact of carbon footprints with stopping cars producing CO2 and starting to create more safer, and accessible transport vehicles.

The famous quote,” School Strike for Climate,” justifies how serious this problem is for everyone and how pressure is needed to meet carbon emission targets. It teaches children throughout school to pay attention to the climate and how environmental impacts that come with it.

On the other hand, people may say global warming is great for the world as it has committed less deaths in winter, decreased energy costs in some countries and has given better agricultural yields for farmers who want to trade or sell items of food. Overall, citizens say even though carbon footprints come from burning fossil fuels and other fumes, it still only makes up 0.04% of the atmosphere, meaning both arguments for and against this cause have a point to defend their statement.