February tends to be the quietest month for celestial events, however, each year the Snow Moon appears.

The Snow Moon is the name for a full moon in the month of February, named accordingly as February is the coldest month of the year and to work with the seasonal elements of the lunar calendar. 

The celestial event is a breathtaking event with the moons, bright white and large appearances that take over the sky, even against the dark clouds of February. 

But the big question is how and when you'll be able to see the Snow Moon. 

How to see the Snow Moon in London:

The moon will appear in the night sky on Wednesday, February 16 and will be north of Regulus, the brightest star in Leo the Lion constellation.

It will reach its peak illumination at 4.56pm, following the moonrise at 4.52pm just before sunset at 5.17pm.

But to make sure you get the best view of the snow moon you will need to be up high in a dark area, a hill or local park would make a great spot.

You could even visit the Greenwich observatory just before 5pm and get a spectacular view of the moon above London.