The Chinese New Year celebrates the beginning of the new year, making it the most important and longest celebration in the Chinese Calendar. It is held between January 12th to February 20th. The festival ends by lighting up lanterns throughout streets as well as reading aloud poems in order to start the new year off happily. Lanterns can be created in the shape of the animal that represents the year. For example, many people this year created lanterns in the form of a tiger which symbolises strength, bravery and wisdom.

This festival is prolonged for 15 days where different food is eaten as well as symbols being hung. For example, on the 15th day, the dragon will be used for performances as it reflects prosperity and fortunes. Different foods allow the family to come together at restaurants or at relatives' houses in order to celebrate the happy occasion for them.

The Chinese New Year next year will be held on January 22nd, 2023. Next year will be mirroring the rabbit which symbolises hope for a long time.