A huge new housing development could soon be built on the borders of Croydon.

Plans for 100 houses and flats in the village of Warlingham are being considered by Tandridge District Council.

It would see a football club 10 minutes down the road from Purley redeveloped by CALA Homes.

The new development on Croydon’s bordern would be made up of 71 houses, 24 flats and five bungalows, of which 40 per cent would be affordable.

The site, which is just off Warlingham Road, is so close to the border of Croydon borough, that Croydon Council has been consulted on the plans. T

he land is made up of John Fisher Sports Club, the home of Hamsey Rangers Football Club, and nearby fields.

The housing element of the plans would be on a nearly four-hectare piece of land.

The scheme also includes new facilities for the football club, including six football pitches and a rugby pitch along with 100 parking spaces. This would be on a nearly eight-hectare piece of land.

It would include a new sports pavillion with changing rooms, clubhouse and bar.

The development would be built on what is currently green belt land.

The application said: “In the green belt context, it is considered that limited planning harm arises from the proposed development and that the harm is more than outweighed by the wider public benefit that the scheme would generate.

“There is a clear need to release the green belt land to meet needs in Tandridge.”

The plans have so far attracted a 140 comments, although these are not labelled as objectors or supporters on the planning website.

One objector wrote: “I have lived in the area for more than 30 years and have loved living in the village, I feel there will be significant changes to this when you increase housing and put pressure on services, including: doctor surgeries, bus routes, schools and [there will be] an increase in traffic on the roads.”

Another raises concern about the impact on wildlife, they said they are able to watch red kites and sparrow hawks from home.

They write: “This pleasure will be denied to me and many others if this project proceeds, not to mention the peace and quiet for a good percentage of the time, interrupted some weekends by matches being played and occasional parties in the clubhouse.”

Aa small track which runs between two houses on Limpsfield Road is the only access to the site, this will become the pedestrian access under new plans with the main entrance created south of Crewe’s Lane.