Ever since lockdown first hit England, lots of people have been taking up some sort of physical activity. But the one which is surprisingly the most popular is running. Maybe it was the need to experience the great outdoors after being cooped up in our houses for so long or the need to get rid of the weight gained by lockdown binging or maybe even the fitness apps that have rapidly risen in download numbers by thousands at a time, there is one thing that can be said for sure: it is a sudden change for the good. Now if you’re thinking of taking up running, here are some tips. Firstly, take it slow. You won’t be able to do that 10k run instantly, you need to build up the stamina to be able to get to that level. It may take a few months or maybe even a year but eventually you will be able to get to where you want to be. Secondly, a healthier and balanced diet. This is an obvious one. Although It might not be everyone favourite, watching what you eat will always help you. Thirdly, getting in the right mindset. Exercise is not all about the development of the body, it’s also about the development of the mind. Lots of people have found that running makes them feel better and helps them relieve stress, so getting in the right mindset will help you achieve that 10k in no time. And finally, the community. Having companions by your side is a major must have when it comes to running. When you feel lazy or feel like sitting on the coach for the day, it will be your friends who boost your mortality and give you that boost of energy that will get you to that 5k run. So now that you know some tips about running, will you take it up?