Anyone over the age of 12 in the uk are now eligible for 2 doses of the covid vaccine. As covid cases rise and new variants develop, it is being debated whether NHS workers should be vaccinated or not. Of all people you would think the 1st people getting the vaccine would be NHS staff as they are exposed more to covid than anyone else, but apparently that’s not the case. In parliament today it was decided that it shouldn’t be compulsory for NHS workers to be vaccinated.

With all due respect to the government and NHS workers who do not want the vaccine, I personally do not agree with this decision because it’s a bit hypocritical. NHS workers are the ones who promote getting the vaccine in the 1st place. If they themselves don’t get the vaccine, how do they expect citizens to get it. I am fully aware that its about free will and people have the right to choose whether they would like to have the vaccine or not but… as covid cases rise with the new variant, the number of people getting the vaccine also increases. This shows that more people are understanding why we have a vaccine and how it can benefit society. This could help lead us soon into a world where covid is officially history . the only way I can see that happening is if more than 95% of the population get jabbed.

I fully respect the governments decision and do understand where they are coming from, but it’s a human instinct to follow other people who know what they are talking about but its hard to o that when not 100% of those people believe in it.