On the 22nd January 2022, Weybridge winter head took place.

After the pandemic hit in 2020, the race had not been rowed for the last two years. So it is perhaps not surprising, that on the day, the atmosphere was bustling with excitement.The winners of 2019 Weybridge Winter head were ready to fight to maintain their titles but Surbiton High was ready to take the win.In 2019 the WJ15 8x placed 5th and 4th. But with new faces and new attitudes, Surbiton High were ready to turn the tables around. The energy before the race was tense, the girls were all preparing to give their hearts and souls to the race. They were ready for victory.

For 3000m downstream the girls rowed with every ounce of body strength.The coxes screaming encouragement and the girls’ devoted coaches cycling down the river with them. The parents of the girls screamed motivation on the banks of the river and hopeful younger siblings peered over the railings on the side of the river bank, slightly baffled by what was happening but nevertheless wanting their big sisters to win.

Both this encouragement and the hours of training the girls put into rowing each week did not go to waste.This was evident by the exceedingly high standard of results that was produced.


In the W J15 8+ event Surbiton was awarded 1st,2nd,3rd,4th.

In the W J14 8+ event Surbiton was awarded 1st,3rd,4th,5th and a time only.

In the W J15 4+ event Surbiton was awarded 1st and 2nd

In the WJ15 2+ event Surbiton was awarded 1st and 3rd

In a second W J15 4+ event Surbiton was awarded 1st and 11th place.

The stroke in a boat is in charge of setting the whole boat’s rhythm. I wanted to interview Zoe Cogley, stroke in one of the WJ15 8+ boats and talk to her about her experience leading her boat to 3rd place.She told me ‘Honestly I was so scared,but at the same time I was really excited to race in a sweep!I loved the experience so much and I cannot wait to race again.’

I then was intrigued to interview a two time winner of the day, placing first in both the WJ15 4+ and the WJ15 2+,Paloma Crutchfield arguably one of WJ15’s strongest rowers.She told me that ‘I was kind of cold at the start so I was getting kind of worried,but we rowed really,really well and I’m so glad I was able to participate.’

Congratulations to all of the girls who took part of the race,their determination and hard work truly paid off!