A lot of people think consuming too much sugar is bad for you. In fact, it is, and it can cause a lot of damage to the organs in our body and our teeth. Here’s what happens:


Sugar contains glucose and fructose. If too much glucose is consumed, it causes the excess to store in our body as fat. Having some fat is OK because it gives us a balanced diet and the fat keeps us warm. However excess fat could end up going straight to our organs and blood vessels. If our blood vessels form fatty deposits, it decreases the chance of a good blood flow and if the blood flow completely stops, it could lead to a stroke or heart attack. Fat on our organs can lead to it not working properly.  The most common disease caused by excess sugar is diabetes. Not only does the fat cause harm to our organs, but it also has effects on oral health- tooth decay (cavities). Most decays are caused because of excess sugar intake without brushing teeth regularly. My mum is a dentist and she said: "Many children have not been taught about the dangers of not brushing teeth and consuming sugar...parents need to educate their children if schools do not teach them".


How much sugar should you be consuming? Women should be consuming no more than 100 calories of sugar, and for men they should be consuming no more than 150 calories. To prevent cavities forming on teeth, you should avoid having too much fizzy drinks, chocolate, fruit smoothies etc. It is important to stay healthy from a young age to prevent any problems with your body. Stay healthy and manage your sugar intake!