This interview is about a new club which has been reopened recently in my school, which is called, ‘Eco Warriors’ yes you heard right our school’s eco-friendly warriors. I had the pleasure to interview their new leader Sophie R who answered my questions about her club.


1. why did you join eco-warriors?

The idea of the 'Eco Warriors' interests me because "we are the first generation to know we're destroying the world, and we could be the last that can do anything about it" - WWF. That sentence for me makes me feel empowered and I want to have a fighting chance to do something about it, small or big.

2. what makes you think you are a good leader in the eco-warriors?

Due to my experiences, qualities, motivation, and leadership skills, I am an excellent fit for this role and job description as I am extremely ambitious and highly committed.


3. Do you have any ideas to make the school a better place?

For now, we don't know but we are working on it since we just started


4. Do you think the school needs change, eco-wise?

Most definitely, the school is on its way to becoming more eco-friendly! We are

making progress, bear with us.


5. 3 words you would describe yourself as the eco warrior’s leader?

 One could say I’m good at communicating and expressing my thoughts. Communication is key to a successful team, and there is no exception for the lead! I have integrity, don’t get me wrong, it has taken me years to truly develop that soft skill, but I believe it’s one of my qualities. Being honest with your team is the only way success can occur and people can improve. Lastly, I’m starting to build empathy with my team in the Eco Warrior Organisation. I’m getting to know who they are, if the workload is okay, their personality, etc.


Well now I have been able to interview Sophie on her club, very soon there will be more content (eco-friendly events, interviews on other higher tier members, etc ) on the club when their work starts to spread around the school, so stay tuned for more updates!