Do students really benefit from homework?


It can be said that homework is a waste of time, restricting students’ free time that could be spent on hobbies, sport or other interests.


However, homework can be beneficial to students as it is essential to refreshing prior learning and helping establish an expertise in what they are studying.


If they do complete homework, they will reap the benefits in the future. Homework is a silent Samaritan that sweeps in to save the day and rescue students who have not grasped the concepts of all their subjects. It is recognised that we need to all have some free time but homework is essential to help, motivate and establish independence in students.  


A report for the Department for Education published in 2014, concluded that students in year 9 who spend at least 2-3 hours a night on homework are more likely to achieve higher GCSE results (A*to C grades) than students who have completed no homework. 


Neena Muzuwazi from Farringtons School said- “Homework is revision for work done on the day”. Neena believes that homework allows students to re-cap their learning from previous classes and bring that knowledge into further learning.


We all know there are students who leave assignments to the last minute, we all know there are pupils who complete them the moment they get them, but we also know both of these types of students will inevitably do better because they took the time to do the homework. 


Thomas Edison once said "A genius is a talanted person who does his homework."


If you want your child to fail, so be it. However, if you want them to succeed, then your answer is right here: homework.