Ilha De Queimada Grande also known as Snake Island. There are at least 2,000-4,000 Golden Lancehead viper with a venom that can melt skin faster than you can breathe.
Snake Island is an island that no human being has lived on since the 1920s because of the infestation of snakes. People who once lived there tried to burn everything down to get rid of the snaked. However, the snakes hid in crevices or underground and waited out the fire.
The venom of the golden lancehead has evolved to be 5 times more potent than other lanceheads that live on the mainland.  A single bite has a 7% fatality rate and could cause necrosis of muscular tissue, brain haemorrhage, kidney failure, and intestinal bleeding. Anyone could die within an hour, but prompt medical attention drops the fatality rate to 3%.
Not just that but a bit of good news would be scientists believe that golden lancehead venom can be used for pharmaceutical purposes. It has shown promise in making medicine for heart disease, circulation issues and blood clots, it may even help in curing cancer.
The rigorous entry laws to snake island are primarily in place to save these vipers from humans. A single golden lancehead can pay around $30,000 on the black market, visiting the island very attractive to a huge number of poachers.Human greed is far more dangerous than the venom of the golden lancehead. 
In the end, Snake island is a beautiful island in Brazil, nevertheless, the reign of snakes would be deadly to go there.

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