Nettles, daisies, marigolds, primrose, forget-me-nots, and foxglove. You may have asked daisies if they love you or love you not, or screeched at the irritation of those cheeky little things, also known as nettles, as they ambush your ankles on paths less trodden. These plants are all native to England, however, there's been a noticeable rise in vegetation, emerging in the nooks and crannies of our city. But was this overnight? And who's behind this return to the overgrown caveman days pre-industrialisation?

Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor, is the man behind this mission, spending £600,000 on the Rewild London Fund. This project really benefits every member of society, man, bug, or fungi. In a wild habitat, plants thrive, it reverses species extinction, it intercepts climate change and it greatly benefits our own mental well-being.

A major aspect of this move to a greener city is pocket parks. These are small free spaces between roads and street corners littered with weeds, bushes, flowers, and benches to take in your surroundings. These quiet spaces, plainly hidden in clear sight, provide a place for mindfulness in the busy bustle of city life. Taking time in one's day is repeatedly proven to have extensive beneficial effects for the body and mind. In fact, pollution has poisoned London's atmosphere since the 13th century so these green spaces really do provide our lungs with the break they have been screaming for.

To hone in on the animals that are positively affected by this revert to a more isolated, protected, and natural environment, due to covid, there has been a significant rise in wildlife. This is because whilst we are tucked away hidden in the privacy of our own homes, the animals hidden in the bushes have been able to come out and explore London's desolate streets. 

Thus this social and ecological movement to a more primitive and rural landscape seems to maintain a more peaceful environment we’ve adjusted to over covid and will carry outside with us from the tranquility of our homes.