The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is a campaign - beginning annually on November 25th and ending on December 10th - which calls for individuals and organisations around the globe to campaign for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. The UNiTE campaign asks for worldwide initiatives to raise awareness, and exchange ideas and solutions in support of this social movement.

COVID-19 has intensified the risks, such as unemployment and poverty, of violence against women, whilst also perpetuating roots, such as gender stereotypes and detrimental societal norms. COVID-19 is expected to inhibit 11 million girls from attending school, increasing their chances of child marriage. 2021's economic repercussions drove millions of women and girls into extreme poverty, retracting decades of progress and enabling systemic inequalities that fuel violence against women. 

The inept global response to the significant rise of all types of violence against women during the pandemic, revealed that the world was unprepared in dealing with such issues. Extensive, adaptable, and broad methods are needed in order to prevent and react to all types of violence against women and to ensure that no woman or girl is left behind.