World war one was the war that urshered in the moderen era born in a cruicifle of gunpowder and the blood of 10 million men. Extra Credits youtube channel

Background info

June 22, 1815 was considered as the end of the of the Napoleonic war. Since then, 100 years had passed without a major war in Europe. However, certain events in Europe such as the Balkan wars and the Franco-Prussian war had led to the breakup of the ottoman empires land in Europe and the formation of the Germain Empire which would upset the balance in Europe. WW1 would begin because a Serbian man named Gavrilo Princip shot the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne. This led to Austria-hungry declaring war on Serbia who were allies with Russia. Austria-Hungary ally was Germany who declared war on Russia and France and France was Russia’s ally, so Germany declared war on them too. Britain joined the war after Germany invaded neutral Belgium.

Why The German empire was not to blame for the war as:

 Firstly, they were pressured by the triple entente who held lands across the globe whilst Germany held small amounts of territory in the pacific and Africa and was denied influence in Morocco by France who held most if not all western Africa and Vietnam. Now put yourself in Germany’s shoes imagine being denied of getting any sweats whilst the rest of your class has dozens would you be angry and infuriated; that’s how Germany felt.

 Secondly, Germany declared war first for two reasons. Reason 1 Germany wanted a quick war that lasted a few months and reason 2 they felt pressurised by Russia who was mobilising a huge force on the Austrian border.

Thirdly , Germany declared war on Belgium to get around Frances defences and avoid millions of casualties in fact the Germain plan was to quickly take-out France by going around the Maginot line, whilst Russia is still mobilising, giving Britain little justification to join the war and once France has fallen take out Russia. This plan was made so the war would not last long.

Lastly, the ally of Germany Austria Hungary had its heir murdered it was simply demanding for justice to be served.

Why the Germain Empire was to blame for the war

Firstly, in declaring war on a neutral country makes the country look like the villain and therefore is easily portrayed as the antihero. They also committed several atrocities in Belgium.

Secondly, like on many occasions before Germany could have stopped Austria Hungary into declaring war yet their leader Kaiser Wilhelm was a ready to prove himself and therefor without seeing the whole picture started the war though at the time many of Germany’s actions were based on a surge to be like other European empires and have colonies.

In conclusion I disagree with the statement as Germany to blame for the sart of ww1 as they did not want , to lose the arms race in Europe, and prompted to a war where it was defending its ally and seeking justice for Serbian actions yet in the midst of the chaos Germany made poor decisions such as declaring war first.