The idea for this article, I got from my senior deputy head, Mr Lissimore.


What really is the young reporter scheme? For me, it’s been great so far. It’s my second year doing it, and i came back excited because i enjoyed last year so much.


It’s helped me consolidate my writing skills. The ability to not, for lack of a better word, waffle on, but instead get my points across concisely. It’s helped me improve my knowledge of Current affairs, because i’m always tuned into the news to find out what’s happening. It’s helped my confidence to know that what i write goes out publicly, and people actually choose to read what I write.


He also asked about the mentorship. It’s actually quite an important aspect. They help give you ideas, forster creativitiy. They help you understand how to manage the responsibility of writing for the website. They guide you through the whole process, and without them it would get pretty overwhelming really quickly. whether it’s because you’d forget deadlines, or be left with writer’s block. They even help with the technical side- which has been crucial with the issues I've faced with uploading my articles this time around! They provide you with opportunities, for interviews, for theatres, so that you can understand your local environment better. None of this would be possible without them.


I came back for a second year, during my GCSEs.  I find writing an outlet. It allowes me to be free, and not to worry about all the pressure we face this year. I think that’s why i enjoy it so much. it gives young people the freedom to write about what they want, when they want, in they want.

The Young Reporter Scheme. does so much, and I’m looking forward to this year.