Covid was and is the greatest challenge my generation has ever faced. It is something we will remember for the rest of our lives. It not only has had a detrimental effect on our wider society but individually the majority will agree they have suffered socially and psychologically. All age groups suffered from being separated from loved ones, uncertainty of how the disease was developing and a huge loss of freedom. Particularly teenagers questioned and certainly were more tempted to break restrictions as the limiting social constraints had a terrible effect on young people’s mental health. Personally, I found lockdown incredibly difficult, especially managing schoolwork along with my own expectations in terms of exam outcomes. Lockdown encouraged many students like myself to become anxious over deadlines and the strain of simply being indoors all day long. At the beginning, the weather of early spring was lovely, and people trapped at home could escape to the warm confines of their garden. As the winter months approached many retreated inside their homes and had zero interaction with other people, whether that was teachers at school or chatting with a neighbour you happened to bump into. Life became harder and became increasingly strenuous on the elderly. We became reduced to Facetime and only getting contact with our loved ones through a screen. Encouraging my own grandparents to place their trust in the internet was taxing as I remember, ‘I have found this all so difficult. I have never used my phone like this before, but I am getting the hang of it’ (QUOTE FROM EVE LORD – Grandma). If this pandemic has taught us anything it is that we must always adapt and change, Covid has given us all a chance to refine this skill.