Did you know that stress can also harm our body? There could be an increasing need for oxygen, blood pressure, tensed muscle and blood sugar. It is hard to get rid of these terrible thoughts out of our minds, especially when we don’t share our worries and needs. Please, feel confident enough to share those thoughts and worries. There are so many people out there who can help, such as family, friends and support groups. It is not always easy to share and discuss with someone how you feel, mainly because of having the fear that they might betray you. You don’t always have to speak to someone you know; you can talk to an anonymous source or charity.


What can you see from this image?

A beach, a lonely beach, a beach that stands on its own.


Go out! Admire nature! Feel the fresh air when it hits your face and meditate. We all know that meditation is not something everyone likes, but even 5- 10 minutes a day can help. Alternatively, go out for small walks in the early morning or evenings. Listen to music if that makes you relax and write down the worries you have. 


Have time for yourself, enjoy your life instead of pressuring yourself into doing the things which don’t make you happy. Yes, there is a lot to do, but those things never come before your health.


Remember you only live once!