Farringtons school in Chislehurst has recently started a program that allows students to increase the biodiversity within the school grounds and connect with nature whilst also tackling the climate crisis. I interviewed Ava Nargi and Lilly Egan (two year 10 students) to understand more about the ‘Go Green’ program at Farringtons school. 


What is the purpose of the Farrington’s Go Green Program? 

AVA: ‘The purpose of the Farrington’s Go Green program is to help regenerate the land that is currently out of use.’

LILLY: ‘To create a healthy environment for our school and the wildlife, so that creatures can live freely in our protected woods.’


What are you doing to achieve a greener school environment?

AVA: ‘Right now, we are planting some new bulbs to help encourage other forms of wildlife to use the school environment for their habitat. Also, we are providing the bees on the school grounds with a larger variety of flowers and new sources of pollen.’


When we are attempting to enhance the biodiversity within our school, how do you feel about the firework display that was hosted next to the woods and beehives on the 5th of November?

AVA: ‘I feel that by hosting this firework display on Firework night, we are basically destroying the work that we have done and undermining the effort that we have put into the project to encourage biodiversity. The fireworks will scare the birds and animals in the surrounding area and will negatively affect the work that we have done over the past few months.’


If you could add to this project, what do you think the most important thing to contribute would be?

AVA: ‘I think keeping the trees that we currently have on site and not changing or touching the wildlife that we already have here at Farringtons. Simply by adding more features like wildflower fields, we can enhance the wildlife that is already here.’


I am also a part of the ‘Go Green’ program and feel that it is beneficial to the mental health of the students that get involved, as it allows for time outside the classroom. It also allows for greater understanding on how we cohabit with the animal kingdom and the importance of our local ecosystem. Everyone can contribute to a greener future by caring for your surrounding habitats.