CROUCH, BIND, SET! A call that any rugby player would recognise. Rugby is an extremely widespread game amongst schools all across the country, (and is only getting more popular by the year). Over the years Rugby has taught me many useful qualities and has also helped me in ways that I don’t think anything else could. I would like to share my personal experiences with you in an effort for you to consider trying out the sport that has overtaken my life for the past 6 years.


The health benefits that Rugby brings to the younger generation is why it is a huge attraction for many aspiring athletes. Qualities such as strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness are all developed by contributing to the sport. However, it is also important that athletes that are showing interest in Rugby understand the blood, sweat and extra dedication that comes with the sport. Rugby is a very competitive sport and training to your optimum fitness level is crucial to reduce injury and to achieve success. A study, (funded by the Rugby Football Union and the Scottish Rugby Union), which reviewed nearly 200 rugby related studies tells us that there is a reduced risk of: type-2 diabetes, some cancers and heart disease. Benefits include developed bone health, muscle function and balance.


Further qualities that Rugby progresses include mental health amongst young people. It is widely known that teenagers are prone to mental health issues and Rugby acts as a way of escaping, solving and comforting these problems for 80 minutes. From my personal experience, Rugby has considerably reduced stress and improved my self-confidence. The close relationship that I have built with my teammates is the reason why I no longer have these problems. They bring out the best of me, not only when playing rugby but also as a person and is something that I am continuously grateful for. Joe Marler (England Rugby player), is an example. He tells us about his personal experience with mental health struggles in his 2021 documentary, ‘Big Boys Don’t Cry’. Marler goes on to say in an interview with Sky Sports: ‘I want to help spread the message that many others have done already that it’s okay not to be okay. And help people find the right tools to cope’. Marler’s message demonstrates the benefits of rugby and the tight bonds I have made through the sport I love.   


The social aspects of Rugby help prepare young people for the future, most notably in jobs that rely on teamwork. Rugby helps teach morals and ethics which help young men and women develop into respectable adults, creative and problem solving skills which are highly favoured by employers as well as developed social skills such as confidence and teamwork which are qualities that all young adults should desire. Social skills are important as it allows you to communicate and connect with other people.