Residents have more time to give their views on a major development plan after the council reopened a consultation.

Developer Montreaux wants to build blocks of flats ranging from three to 25 storeys high on the site of the B&Q store in Cricklewood Lane, Cricklewood.

The scheme would provide up to 1,100 homes and up to up to 1,200 sq m of flexible commercial and community floorspace.

Nearly 1,300 people have so far responded to a consultation on the plans, with the vast majority objecting.

Now residents have an extra period of time, until Monday, May 31, to submit comments on the scheme – although some have raised concerns it is not long enough.

London Assembly Member for Barnet and Camden Anne Clarke branded the consultation “inadequate”.

“There has been very little advertising of the consultation,” she said. “If the council wanted people’s views, they would put up signs and write to those who have already objected.”

Responding to the concerns, a Barnet Council spokesman said: “There is currently an additional two-week planning consultation underway for this scheme, which does not revise any of the details of the six-week planning consultation that was carried out late last year.

“The current consultation is solely based on a supplementary document submitted by the developers, which will be considered as part of the application. While there is no statutory requirement for us to do so, we are carrying out this additional consultation to give people an opportunity to feedback.

“To ensure people are aware, we have written to residents and businesses in the area. Any responses received will be fed into the decision-making process.”

Residents can have their say on the development by visiting the council’s planning portal and entering reference: 20/3564/OUT

The planning portal is available here.