BOTWELL ward councillor Janet Gardner has launched a petition urging Hillingdon Council to stop Hayes roads being used as a racing track by speeding cars. 

The petition calls for the council to request more action by police to catch and charge those responsible.

Cllr Gardner also wants formal consultation on the introduction of a 20mph limit and other traffic calming measures.

Roads affected are Blyth Road, Botwell Common Road, Botwell Lane, Clayton Road, Dawley Road, Millington Road, Nestles Avenue, Nield Road, North Hyde Road, Printing House Lane, Redmead Road, St Anselms Road, Station Road and Trevor Road  

Cllr Gardner (Labour) said: "This anti-social behaviour is not only a threat to life and limb but also to physical and mental health because of excessive noise and air pollution.

"It's time the council took seriously the impact this has. It's time for action."

On reaching 100 signatures, the petition will be formally considered by the council.

To support to the petition, you can add your name here