The past year has certainly proven to be one of many challenges for everyone, and for the Rotary Club of Roding it’s been no different.

All of the club’s meetings, like so many other clubs and organisations have been on Zoom since last April, but members are hoping it won’t be too long before they can return to the Queen Victoria in Theydon Bois to gather together again.

Considering the challenges it has faced, the club has still had a successful year with fund raising for the many charities which are struggling due to so many events being cancelled.

The Roding club has continued to raise money for Voluntary Action Epping Forest by holding a quiz raising £1,000. The charity also benefited from a matching grant from Rotary RIBI.

The money is needed more than ever to continue to support families and community groups in the Epping areas.

An auction of Promise, again via Zoom, raised an impressive £2,500. The participants were very generous with their bidding for a variety of lots. The Red Cross Syrian Appeal, Samaritans and Citizens Advice Bureau all benefited from the money raised.

Children in Need was very different in November. Pudsey usually makes a visit to the local schools, but again due to Covid, was unable to visit the pupils. Once again the schools rose to the occasion though.

St John’s C of E Primary School in Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell Primary Academy and Theydon Bois Primary School generously made a collection for Children in Need, raising more than £1,300.

The pupils and teachers did a variety of activities including a painting competition, wearing yellow, dressing up and a quiz amongst others, all to help children who are less fortunate and in need of help.

The Roding club would like to thank the pupils, teachers and parents who gave their time especially when so many families are struggling.

Christine Johnson with Wrap Up London donations

Christine Johnson with Wrap Up London donations

The Wrap Up London charity were looking for warm coats for the homeless and needy before the cold weather set in. Rotary clubs were asked to help supply 30 warm winter coats.

The Roding club enjoys a challenge and with help from family, friends and the wider community managed to acquire more than 300 warm coats. The club thanks everyone who generously donated.

In December club members usually sing Christmas carols and do readings at the Frank Foster care home in Theydon Bois, while residents are enjoying a mince pie and tea, but were unable to this year.

One of the club’s members Bob Bishop put a CD together with readings and carols sung by Rotarians so that residents did not miss out.

Gifts were given to more than 70 residents, individually wrapped by Ruby Glaze, 14-year-old granddaughter of one of the club's members as part of her Duke of Edinburgh award at Forest School.

The club has been fortunate to support other charities, food banks, Restore Church and Mary’s Meals among others, all of which are in need at this very difficult time.

If you would like to know more about the club’s events or Rotary, contact club secretary Ros Dover on 07884 177707.