It's five years since this recognition for Britain's wartime Prime Minister was making our headlines.

A plaque honouring Sir Winston Churchill’s contribution to Epping will be unveiled at what is being billed as an ‘historic event’.

The iconic blue plaque will be revealed at Marks and Spencer in Epping High Street, adding to a brass plaque which is already in place.

The wartime Prime Minister was MP for Epping between 1924 and 1945, and spoke to the people of the town from outside the Victoria Buildings, now Marks and Spencer.

Town clerk Beverley Rumsey said: “There is already a brass plaque up there, but it was felt when people go by it is easy to miss.

“He has obviously got massive links to the Epping Forest district but Epping as well, and we are obviously keen to keep the connection alive for future generations.”

The new plaque will be unveiled by town mayor councillor Michael Wright on Thursday, February 4, 2016.