A primary school have embarked on a fundraising challenge after their annual events were postponed due to the pandemic.

St John Fisher RC Primary School decided to launch a cross-country challenge which has seen children pledge to travel at least 50km until they reach 1000km as a collective.

This year, the school was planning to use funds from their annual events to improve their playground, with plans including to design and develop new space and renovate their environmental garden.

Since the start of the challenge, the school has seen children, boogie boarding in the sea, hiking in Yorkshire, walking in Surrey, and cycling in the park.

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Between March and July, the school would have held several fundraising events, including:

-School discos which usually raise around £1000

-The ‘May Mudder’ which sees the school field turn into an obstacle course, raising around £700

-A summer fair which raises between £6000 to £8000

-Music on a Summer’s Evening’ event (£400)

-Recording and selling downloads for the Year 6 musical production (£200)

-Book and uniform sales which equate to around £400

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Headteacher, Ms Janine Kenna: “Funds raised by the PTFA are invaluable in improving our school environment.

"The money raised through the challenge will go towards creating more outdoor learning space.

"We have always known that learning outdoors is extremely beneficial for children, but the last few months have made us embrace outdoor learning even more.”

Donations reached £960 out of the targeted £5000 at the time of publishing.

To donate, visit at https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/SJFChallenge