An Essex organisation is joining the campaign to address the urgent need for more lifesaving organ donors from black, Asian, mixed race and minority ethnic backgrounds.

Action on Blood has successfully bid for funding to carry out a project to break down myths and increase support for donations.

Staff will also ensure that people know that the law in England is changing next spring and understand their choices.

From spring 2020 all adults in England will automatically be listed as organ donor unless they select to ‘opt out’.

Abiola Okubanjo, CEO of Action on Blood, said: “We designed the project so that real people in the community would play a fundamental role in empowering others to make a decision about organ donation and share that decision with their families.”

The organisation is among 26 faith and community-based organisations to have secured funding to educate communities about donation after death through the BAME Community Investment Scheme led by NHS Blood and Transplant.

Action on Blood will use the funding to train five hair stylists in black hair salons across Essex and London as ambassadors to discuss organ donation with their customers.

Ms Okubanjo added: “We thought, who better to start the conversation flowing than barbers and hair stylists? It’s at the barbershop or hairdressers’ that arguments are raised or debated, the latest issues are dissected and judged and ultimately, opinions are influenced.

“We believe it’s only when people know the truth that they can make the right decision.”

Caroline Dinenage, minister for care, said: “It is fantastic that more people from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are considering organ donation than ever before.

“But it is a distressing fact that people from these communities are less likely to get a transplant than if they were white.

“We all have a role to play - the government, communities, families and friends - in breaking down the myths and perceived barriers that surround organ donation.”

The National BAME Transplant Alliance (NBTA) is supporting NHS Blood and Transplant in the campaign to address the need for black, Asian, mixed race and minority ethnic donors, which was launched in summer 2018.

Kirit Modi, Hon President of the NBTA, said: “NBTA is very pleased that 26 new projects to inform black, Asian, mixed race and minority ethnic communities about the change in law and increase donors from these backgrounds have been funded.

“NBTA will continue to work collaboratively with NHS Blood and Transplant and others to develop the community model so that it reaches a wider section of black, Asian and minority ethnic groups across the country in the future.”