Fancy dress costumes, a Spiel and triangle-shaped cake truly made Sunday a fun day.

Members and friends of the Sanctuary of East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue in South Woodford gathered on Sunday (March 17) for a family fun event.

Cheder Religion School headteacher Paul Bloomfield wrote a Spiel, which is a play, called The Fairy Tale of Queen Esther relating to the story of Purim, a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, who was planning to kill all the Jews.

The day also included children participating on a fancy dress parade with prizes given to the winners and runners up.

The afternoon concluded with tea and humatasion, a traditional Purim triangle shaped cake, along with other Jewish fayre supplied by the community.

Synagogue volunteer Merle Muswell said: "It was a wonderful afternoon and always comforting to see a span of the generations."