Lucky schoolgirls in Tower Hamlets got the chance to quiz America’s first lady Michelle Obama as part of her girl power charity visit to the UK.

Mrs Obama hosted an event at the Mulberry School for Girls to discuss joint work between the US and Britain to boost education for adolescent girls across the world through the Let Girls Learn initiative, championed by her and president Barack Obama.

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Pupils at the single-sex comprehensive had the chance to grill the first lady and listen to an inspiring speech.

They heard Mrs Obama tell them that, as someone who is black, female and also comes from a working-class background, she understands the need for a good education.

She told a packed assembly at the school for pupils aged 11 to 18 that she understands the challenge of being "overlooked" and undervalued.

Mrs Obama said: "With an education from this amazing school you all have every chance you need to rise above the noise and fulfil every one of your dreams."

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Despite facing Islamophobia and poverty, 83 per cent of the students from the Tower Hamlets school, including many from ethnic minorities, manage to secure a place at university.

Mrs Obama said: "The world needs more girls like you to lead our parliaments, our boardrooms and our universities. We need you for tackling the problems of climate change, poverty and disadvantage."

While in the country for two days Mrs Obama is discussing better support for military families.

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She has met Prince Harry and will have tea at Downing Street with David and Samantha Cameron.