On the Friday 22nd of March, the Tiffin Girls’ School hosted its eagerly anticipated annual fashion show; this year, the theme was Diva. Year 9 students, as well as the year 10 and 13 artists, showcased their beautiful designs on the catwalk.

Ms. Kilpatrick, a teacher at the Tiffin Girls’ School, as well as the organiser of the fashion show spoke on the process it took to orchestrate one of the school year’s most highly anticipated events. 

“The process starts very early, at the start of every academic year, and, in fact, we will now start thinking about next years’ 2025 fashion show. The first thing we think about is what the theme is going to be; we have had various themes in the past. Sometimes we base the theme on exhibitions that are happening, usually at the V&A. While the Year 9 students base their designs on the theme, with each form group representing a different aspect of the inspiration, the Year 10 students usually always do something with their wearable sculptures. So, in some ways, their theme doesn’t change, it just fits in with what we’re doing. Once the designs are all in place, then we start the logistics of the show. I have to liaise with the site staff here to make sure that the catwalk goes up; so it’s all those logistical stuff about the night we have to think about. It’s a long process but, ultimately, it’s definitely worth it.”

All the hard work that goes into the fashion show, from students and teachers alike, is definitely worth it. The fashion show itself was certainly a massive success, as it was every year, and the school community cannot wait for the next fashion show, a chance for the artists of the school to display their hard work and creativity.