Whether you like to sing along to the latest pop song whilst driving or you find yourself chanting to your football club’s anthem, you have joined the ranks of millions in the UK who like to sing-whether novices or professionally. Following participation in various school choirs, I signed up for singing lessons and have now been taking weekly singing lessons for a year, these precious 30 minutes being one of my favourite times of the week.

I was interested to read an article by researchers at the University of Oxford(Launay, Jacques, Pearce, Eiluned, 20151i), which discusses the benefits of singing. Launay and Pearce point out the physical and psychological benefits of singing-particularly in a choir. The article resonated with me as I have noticed the impact of formal singing lessons over the past year. To begin with, those around me have remarked on my improved vocal range and breath control whilst singing. I have reduced lung capacity as part of a general physical condition, but singing seems to have strengthened my lungs, which has then had a positive impact on my general respiratory health.

I have been pleased to have participated in various concerts and recitals in front of family and friends and have definitely become more confident (and louder!) when standing in front of an audience. Working alongside others in a choir, or band, or as an individual performer at an event has meant being able to appreciate the abilities of other singers, as well as making lots of new friends in the process.

Another aspect to singing has been the improvement in my sight reading and also language acquisition. I have now sung in French and Italian, and my next piece will be in German. I enjoy learning new words and also finding out about the context of the song.

Finally, if you do go down the route of formal lessons, a good teacher is so important. I have a wonderful singing teacher who has encouraged and supported me through exams and performances. However, I would also encourage everybody to sing, whether at home, joining a local choir, or taking lessons. As Janis Joplinii said ‘Singing, it’s like loving somebody, it’s a supreme emotional and physical experience’ – for me, these words encompass how singing makes me feel in mind and body.