We all have dressed up on Halloween and gone trick or treating for as long as we can remember, but where did this holiday comes from?

Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the 31st of October. It is believed that this tradition dates back to the Celts, around 2000 years ago. A Celtic festival called ‘Samhain’ was celebrated from 31st October to 1st November to mark the end of harvest and the beginning on winter (the dark half of the year). Celts believed that on this day, the barrier between the physical and spiritual world was broken allowing humans and spirits to interact. As a result, Celts left offerings for these spirits and even dressed up as animals or monsters to scare them.

In the Middle Ages Jack – O –Lanterns began to appear and later switched to pumpkins. A couple of centuries later, trick or treating became common and is believed to come from ancient Irish or Scottish practises. Overall, Halloween began during the Celtic age and has evolved into a holiday we are familiar to where kids dress up and visit other houses for sweets. Some people still believe in spirits haunting humans during Halloween although, it isn’t a common belief. However, Halloween is still believed to be the spookiest day of the year.

Have a spooky Halloween!