
  • What makes a good state school?

    What makes a good state school? People seem to have very set ideas about state schools. It’s not something a parent, who cares about education is happy to send the child off. Most parents look to grammar schools and if they can afford it private

  • Russia finally banned from all major sporting events by WADA

    RUSSIA has finally been handed a 4-year ban from all major sporting events by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency). In competitive sports, doping is the use of banned PED’s (performance-enhancing drugs) by athletic competitors. The use of drugs to enhance

  • Local School Fundraises For Tanzania

    Last October, the local school Thames Christian College went on a school trip to Tanzania in order to build water storage tanks and goat sheds, hand out nets and test children for diseases such as malaria and HIV among other activities. This was done