This time of year is a breeding ground for bacteria, and with the recent outbreaks of viruses across Britain claiming lives, its time we fought back. 

Here are 10 scientifically proven ways to help prevent sickness this winter.

When your feet get cold, your entire body will get the chills too, including your nose. Your body redirects blood to your vital organs in order to prevent major heat loss, but this means that you have no immune protection from the viruses already living in your nose year round.  According to Dr Ron Eccles, director of Cardiff University’s Common Cold Centre ‘The white cells that fight infection are found in the blood, so then there are fewer white cells to fight the virus.’ This makes you more susceptible to sickness.

Honey has been used for centuries, even in medicinal practices due to its antibacterial and health benefits. It has even been shown to be just as good, if not better, than some of the over-the-counter cough suppressants. A good antibacterial combination for fighting off sore throats and coughs is ginger, honey and lemon herbal tea.

Exercise boosts your immune system by increasing your white blood cell and antibody count which is needed to fight off unwanted infections. Regular exercise has also been linked to overall reduction in stress levels, which have been known to be a suppressant of the immune system. 

Some bacteria are harmless, but numerous studies have shown that the bacteria living on phone screens link closely to those found in your bathrooms and toilets. Continual contact with bacterial breeding grounds such as your phone, door handles, public restrooms and surfaces on public transports, can heighten your risk of becoming sick. The best precaution is to disinfect your phones on a regular basis. 

Along with the last line of thought, it is very important to keep your hands clean and wash them regularly throughout the day, regardless of the type of work you do. An alcohol based sanitiser is best as it can kill the most germs and bacteria off the surface of your hands. Even if you do not get sick, spreading germs from the surface of your hands can make those around you sick! 

Water helps maintain a healthy immune system and allows toxins to be flushed out of the body. When sick, your body loses more water than normal so it is essential to be drinking more of it. 

This is our biggest protection against the flu. Everyone above the age of 6 months should be vaccinated regularly to maintain immunity and reduce the spread of infections. The more people that are vaccinated, the greater the reduction in disease spread!  It is a common misconception that the flu vaccine can cause the flu. Rest assured this is not true.

Antibiotics are overly used to treat viral infections. The problem here is that antibiotics are effective only against bacteria and have no impact on the prevention or cure of viral infections such as the cold or flu. Overuse of antibiotics can not only lead to reduction in the number of good bacteria in the body, but can also lead to antibiotic resistance and even the development of ‘super bugs’  which can be untreatable. 

The importance of food can be underestimated, especially when attempting to overcome illness or prevent it. When being sick food can sometimes be the last thing we think about. Foods high in proteins, fibre and other nutritional values are crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system to allow for a speedy recovery and a strong line of defence against infections. If all else fails, eat healthy and you will feel healthy.

This is perhaps the most important tip listed. Sleeping is a natural bodily process that gives the immune system time to repair and heal. Prolonged lack of sleep (under 6 hours) can cause a decrease in natural killer cells by up to 50%, which are your body’s first line of defence in killing diseases. What’s more, it has been recommended that if you are sick you should be getting more sleep than normal to allow your body to recover.

So there you have it, 10 ways to stay healthy this winter. But don’t worry, getting sick now and again is normal and in the long run it can even make you stronger!

Oria Hussaini, Esher College.