As you may of seen over the last few days Anthony McPartlin better known as Ant from the dynamic duo Ant and Dec has been released from rehab following a previous visit and a car crash which occurred while he was intoxicated after filming his award winning show “Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway” , He was released after a month of extreme rehabilitation programs which helped him on his road to recovery, in no way am I trying to name and shame Ant, I wish him all the best on his road to recovery. But his story can be of use to show how drug and alcohol misuse can be demolished in your neighbourhood, In the last year. Record 3,674 drug poisoning deaths involving both legal and illegal substances were registered in 2015. Out of these, 2,479 involved illegal drugs overall, the death rate from drug misuse in England and Wales was the highest ever recorded, at 43.8 deaths per million people. People aged 30 to 39 were most likely to die from drug misuse, at a rate of 98.4 deaths per million, followed by those aged 40 to 49, at 95.1 These statistics are very scary when you see them on paper, when you hear them out loud they aren’t as bad but when you can see them like you are now they send you into spiralling thoughts like what if that was my family or my friends? That is why drug misuse cannot be swept under the carpet, this is peoples lives and we cant allow them to be brushed over as another statistics, if you know somebody who could possibly be related to illegal substances in any way please help them so they don’t become another person in a statistic, to help you can go to websites such as Even if you suspect anything about a loved one please don’t leave it too late like Ant did and get help.